30th Vis (2022/23)

Das Team der Uni Bonn für den 30. Vis Moot.

v.l.n.r. (hinten): Thomas Lenz, Clemens Mehl, Leander Fähnrich.

v.l.n.r. (vorne): Hannah Stegmaier, Coaches Alexander Später (Vis ’20, Coach) und Katharina Winger (Vis ’19, Coach ’22)


Thomas Lenz

Thomas Lenz is 21 years old and is studying law in his fourth semester at the University of Bonn. After finishing high school, he founded a software startup with two fellow students. An internship at a world-class law firm in Munich sparked his interest in law and allowed him to gain quality practical experience in private law that he could deepen by working as a student trainee and being engaged at the Law Clinic. Through coding and his engagement in his high school’s student council, he had the option to build up both language and team skills. All those factor into him being a great fit for the Vis Moot Team of 22/23. Besides that, Thomas is a passionate diver and enjoys playing volleyball, chess and the piano.

Clemens Mehl

Clemens Mehl is 21 years old and a law student at the University of Bonn in his sixth semester. He spent his last year abroad studying at the University of Oxford for a Diploma in Legal Studies. During this time, he got insights into the English common law system and discovered his particular interest in company and contract law. Besides his studies, he gained work experience as a student research assistant and was committed to working in a team as the head boy in high school. In his spare time, he enjoys playing basketball and travelling. Clemens is very much looking forward to competing together with the Bonn team, enhancing his oral presentation skills and acquiring practical legal experience during the Vis Moot 2023.

Leander Fähnrich

Leander Fähnrich is 22 years old and studies law in his sixth semester at the University of Bonn. Before he became a part of the 22/23 Vis Moot Team Leander finished a one-year Diploma in Legal Studies at the University of Oxford. During this time, he focused in particular on Company and Commercial Law and he enjoyed to draw comparisons between the German Civil and the English Common law system regarding the law of international commercial disputes. Alongside studying at the university, Leander started to work in Capital Markets for a major law firm, where he is gaining both practical soft skills and research experience. Moreover, in addition to his recent time in the UK, Leander also spent a year in Australia/Asia after finishing high school to improve his language skills and to gain international work experience. In his spare time, Leander rows on a competitive level and enjoys playing tennis with his friends. Leander is very much looking forward to combining his passion for Commercial Law with the incentive of solving legal issues in an international arbitration proceeding. Furthermore, he is delighted to work together with equally motivated and interested teammates and to acquire practical legal experience during the Vis Moot 22/23.

Hannah Stegmaier

Hannah Stegmaier is 21 years old and studies law in her sixth semester at the University of Bonn. Currently mastering her specialist degree programme, she is highly interested into commercial law and economic matters. Besides that, she takes great pleasure in learning various foreign languages (English, French, Italian, Norwegian). To pursue her interest in foreign countries and languages, she spent her last semester at the Université de Lausanne. There, besides enhancing her French skills, she could also gain insights into investment arbitration and international commercial law. In her spare time, she is primarily doing triathlon but also enjoys reading and meeting friends.


Katharina Wigger

Katharina Wigger is currently preparing for her first state exam after having completed her specialist degree program in international and European public and economic law. She participated in the 26th Willem C. Vis Moot Court 2018/19 and stayed involved by providing assistance for later teams as a member of the Bonn Moot Association. Afterwards, Katharina worked as a student assistant in a major law firm while studying in Poland as part of the Erasmus program. Later, she was trained and qualified as a mediator. Katharina already successfully coached last year’s Vis Moot Team of the University of Bonn and is looking forward to another year of coaching. She is employed at the Institute for German and International Civil Procedure Law.

Alexander Später

Alexander Später is currently finishing his first state exam. He participated in the 27th Willem C. Vis Moot Court 2019/20 and reached the Round of 64 with his team in the finale in Vienna. Besides, he was awarded an honorable mention for Best Individual Oralist. Afterwards, Alexander was board member of the Bonn Moot Association. Since 2018, he has been working for a law firm in Bonn specialized in Data Protection Law. To deepen his knowledge, he did an internship at the Federal Data Protection Commissioner. He is currently a member of the executive committee of a local branch of a political party, where he is primarily responsible for communications and member support. In his free time, he enjoys reading, going to the gym and doing Kung Fu. Now, he is employed at the Institute for German and International Civil Procedure Law.